My little sister is officially due today! But, personally, I don't think today is the day... Both of us were late babies and she's having a boy. Word is that boys tend to be late. And really, I hope she holds off a day or two because that's what I need to finish this quilt.
I have been working on this off and on, as I have had time, for over a month now. I have the front done, which I'm thinking is the hard part... I just need it to turn into an actual blanket now. I'm not even sure I should call it a quilt either. Really, it's just a bunch of chunks of material sewn together in a way that I made up years ago. Things don't really line up all that well... Maybe I should have taken the time to learn how to actually make a quilt. Too late.
Really, my point in making this quilt is because our grams isn't here to make one. I know she would have jumped on it right away and that quilt would already be boxed and wrapped and ready to go. When my sister was born, I was 6 years old. I was SO excited to finally have a sister. Beyond excited. Let's just say that changed real fast after she was born... sort of kidding. I was an awesome big sister, playing doll house with her when I was 16 years old. Back to the point...
My grams made this fantastic quilt/blanket for my sister. She did her best to make it gender neutral just in case (remember the time when we didn't know gender until birth???). It has a big duck with a giant daisy and a puddle. Nothing crazy. I was so jealous of my new sister's awesome new blanket and I somehow convinced my grandma to make me one too, but with lots of pink of course. My sister loved her blanket SO much it has become a shredded pile of fabric she still loves today. Mine may or may not be close behind...
A couple years before my grams passed away, she traced my blanket because it was in much better shape and because the pattern was long gone to create a second blanket for my sister. I have to say that I'm a little jealous now that she has two and I only have the one...
All three of these blankets and countless other things have all been created on this one sewing machine. I made it my mission to be gram's substitute and use her awesome machine to make her first great grand baby his first family made blanket.
My sister started the room colors off with a bed set she found at target with grey, white, and some yellow. The main blanket (that I'm pretty sure you're not really supposed to use...) is grey and white chevron. Knowing this tiny blanket is too small to last (into adult hood for my sister and I). Chevron seemed like a simple enough pattern and something I believe I came across on pinterest originally. So, I went for it....
It's all gone fairly smoothly with the exception of hitting a sewing machine snag the other day... My needle thread would not catch the bobbin thread. No matter what I did. And I hadn't even changed anything. There may have been a few tears and some swearing, but somehow it is magically working again.
I also whipped together this little guy last night. I though it would be a cute little patch on the back. I wanted to make it a little more unique and maybe a little less so 'just one fairly plain pattern'.
I just used the left over white (really off white) fabric and purchased some embroidery floss in a matching gray color. I found a font on my computer, wrote up what I wanted, and printed it out. I then just put the material in a small embroidery hoop and taped the paper over it, making sure the tape was firmly attached to paper and hoop so it wouldn't come off. I then just stitched over the letters. After I cut / tore away the paper. It isn't perfect, but it isn't really meant to be.
I've got some ironing to do and some more sewing... Wish me luck! Hopefully I can get this wrapped up tonight before baby is here!
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