Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, we're about to embark in the longest Thanksgiving day ever... We're headed to my hometown to have a very early Thanksgiving with my mom, her boyfriend, and my sister. Then it's off to Bill's hometown about 45 minutes away from there to have Thanksgiving with his family. And then it's back to my hometown for our third Thanksgiving meal of the day with my dad's side of the family.

Lots of driving. And eating. In fact, so much eating, that I may not need to eat the rest of the weekend. Or at least maybe we'll be getting some leftovers so that I won't have to cook. That would be nice.

I just wanted to wish everyone who stumbles accross this to have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Enjoy your families no matter how insane they happen to be and don't forget all the wonderful things you have to be thankful for, even though they don't always seem to be many or that fantastic....

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Laurentian Divide.

On November 5th, my family finally got together to take care of my grandparents ashes... It was sad, but it was nice too. This is probably a strange post, probably a little all over the place...

We left them at the Laurentian Divide just north of Grand Rapids, MN, which was just south of where they had lived in Squaw Lake since I was a kid.

It was a gorgeous day out. I had almost forgotten how wonderful the wind sounds blowing through all of those pine trees...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Short Update.

I promise to post something semi-interesting soon... We've been really busy getting ready for winter and being sick. Emphasis on the sick part. That includes trips to minute clinic, the emergency room, and midnight trips to Walgreens. Fun stuff. I have some posts in the works, but need to finish them up.

Off to try and un-sick myself...