The whole tiling bit actually wasn't too bad. We'll call it my favorite part.
We didn't really have any issues and Bill and I got into a good groove. I tiled the entire thing while he cut what I needed. Worked out great. This also meant that I didn't have to cut tiles myself. I can do it, I don't really have a problem with it, I'm just not a fan. I think he's better at it too... I also didn't have to keep going between inside and outside, it would have taken significantly longer otherwise. It took me about 8 hours total with Bill cutting everything.
And that's all I'm posting on tiling. Mostly because it went well. And also because if I post photos of it fully tiled, but yet not grouted, it looks mostly the same. The no grout photos do make me wish I had gone dark on the grout, but it wouldn't have matched the rest of the bathroom...
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