Saturday, June 30, 2012

Planting Plants.

Between meal/gatherings on Father's Day, we stopped over at Menard's and checked out their plant selection. I had checked Home Depot recently and their 4 whole ferns they had weren't really doing it for me. I slightly panicked for a minute at Menard's because I couldn't find ANY of their shade plants... but then we found them inside. I guess that makes sense, as their entire outdoor section was in direct sunlight.

I spent a long time trying to figure out how many of what I wanted and/or needed and how they should be set up. Bill was almost zero help (if you read this, sorry Bill...) and just wanted to leave... I finally figured it out, with some of Bill's help. We bought them, loaded them up, and dropped them off at home before brunch with Bill's side of the family.

I just quickly laid everything out where I thought I would want it because we had to get going. I really had hoped to get everything planted that night, but it was raining by the time we got home and it rained off and on the rest of the night. 

So, the next night, I started planting after work. I got 5 plants in the ground before I called it quits. We ran into some massive tree roots... and I got eaten alive by mosquitos.... and I became very grouchy.  

The first two I got on with mostly no problems.... A few small roots that I had to chop in half, but nothing major. The row of ferns were the problem.... with one leg sized root right in the middle of where I wanted to plant the middle one... 

You can almost see the evil root...

Attempting to chop out the root. Let's just say it was much bigger than we thought.
Eventually, I said screw it and just moved it up a little so that we could just plant it. Hopefully the fern has enough room and will survive & thrive... 

And then I took a break... for a week. Not because I'm lazy, but because we had a lot going on and it rained almost all week... 

Finally, a week after the first planting event, I finished! WOOHOO!

Please don't mind all the other stuff that needs to be done in this area... or the fact that our grass is like a foot tall... 

I'm way happy. I think it looks TONS better!


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