Monday, April 14, 2014

Junk Bonanza - Spring 2014

Over the weekend, my sister and I hit up the Spring Junk Bonanza! This is the third one we've been to. It was almost the 4th, but with my new nephew and my mom's wedding, we couldn't get to the one in the fall.

While my sister has no problem finding things that fit her style and going for it, I am usually more reserved. So, this was the first time that I ever purchased anything.

Bill and I saw this chemistry set box a couple months ago at one of our favorite vintage shops, but it was $75. I spotted this one, which was a little more beat up for only $23. I knew Bill would be excited to own it, partially because it's awesome and partially because we also found out that Bill's dad also had this as a kid.

For now, this it is sitting on top of the hutch in the living room. It may or may not move once our house is back to a state of normal. 

Sorry this one is a little blurry... but I also snagged this clock. My thoughts are for the kitchen above the stove where there is a plugin for such a clock already. I think everything is original. The lady I purchased it from did say she stripped the paint off the frame portion and it looks really good in person. I even got her to go down a bit on her price.

I should have some more updates on the basement later this week. It's been really stressful... and we've been really busy with everything going on. I think once this is all done, I will have a "I wish I would have known" or "what I would have done differently" post.

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