Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kitchen Paint & Trim.

So... you remember how I painted my kitchen twice in one week... Oh, you don't? That's because it happened MONTHS ago.

In May, I was trying to get the house put together in a presentable manner for my husband's big 30th birthday party we were having. I scrambled to paint the kitchen a second time in one week because the first color did not go well at all. Strangely, I think it looked pretty good in photos. In person, the lovely gray I picked out, turned out to be a weird purpley color, a lot darker than I wanted. It would probably look fantastic elsewhere, just not in my kitchen.

Here are a few more "detailed" shots of the new color, Behr's Dolphin Fin. I tried to get similar detailed shots as before. Someday, when all of my tiny kitchen is clean at once again, I will take new whole room shots. Someday....

We purchased these prints a few months ago and it was quite the hassle to get those frames... Especially when they were at my local Target in the end (long story short: I ordered them online and they sent ones that were a different size and color). Anyways, those fantastic prints are from Michael Ellis Studios on Etsy! Let me say, I knew they would be awesome, but they look soooo good in person! I also maybe just ordered one more for a gift...

Anyways, we had also ripped out the horrible baseboards in that room. Read some about that here (and glimpse a little of the old). Both Bill (the husband) and I took work off on the day of the party, so that we could finish up some things. One of those things happened to be installing the new baseboards. I had spent time over the last week painting them out in the garage so that as soon as we got the chance, they would be ready to go.

Behr had to get in on the action. We splurged and got this fancy dog dish stand off Etsy from Modern Mews. We LOVE it. The mat under it is from Crate & Barrel awhile ago.

Above is the only real issue we ran into... The old door jam came out far enough to cover that gap. Any ideas welcome! We also still need to address the edge of the tile at the top of the stairs. The electricians put a huge chip in the edge the first time they were out working in the basement... Plus there are lots of little chips from the general up and down from the work that went on down there. I'm debating between another metal edging like seen between the landing and kitchen or something better... tile maybe? Our contractor offered to cut the old tile back if we ever decide on something and need it cut back since the giant chip happened on his watch...

There are also a few places that need a little caulk and I need to do some touch ups yet...

It looks SO much better! I still have a strong dislike for our floors but having the baseboards match the rest of the house and not be in a stage of horrible makes it better. I hope that our next big project is the kitchen. Right now that's probably the biggest of things that needs to be tackled besides some un-fun things happening outside, mainly crumbling cement.

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