Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wall Tiles.

Bill and I spent some time at the good ole Home Depot this weekend checking out wall tiles for the bathtub surround. I think we actually nailed something down... Woo!

I originally had just planned on plain white subway tiles. That's it. Then I started thinking... it might be nice to give a little splash of something in there. Well, while we were planning out the floor, we ended up buying some different tiles to bring home and see what we thought. One was a box of 4"x4" Travertine tiles. I thought those might be a good way to pull the floor into the wall and break up all the white. We ended up using 18"x18" floor tiles.

So, at Home Depot, we laid out the tiles on the floor (I think we may have irritated the lady working in that section... oops). Seems like it would work ok and I like the idea of pulling the floor into the walls to tie thing together better.

Then Bill found mosaic sheets of slightly smaller subway tiles. And I found sheets of small Travertine squares. That is what I think we're going with... 

The thought is that it might be a little easier. We will be on a time crunch because we only have one bathroom. So... the plan is to tear out on a Friday after work and hopefully get the cement board put in. On Saturday, wake up early and tile, tile, tile! Finally, on Sunday, grout and seal. I'll have to check the sealant to make sure I can actually do those both in the same day... I may need to do it right before bed that night.

We're also thinking we might wait until Memorial Day weekend so that we have a full 3 days, just in case. Mostly because every DIY project takes a ton of time longer then you ever expect.

I *might* go with even smaller Travertine squares... to do 3 rows of tiny squares. We'll see if I can find some I like.

We probably would have purchased everything that night, but Home Depot was missing some key pieces... like everything for edges in that size (except corners)... So, now we still need to do that and the actual work, but it feels good to finally have a plan. And hopefully we can get it all done before our yearly party on the 4th of July and right after that party would mark 3 years of working on the bathroom... Yikes.

Wish us luck, we'll need it.

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